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LabiBlog website builder - how does it work?

Hey LabiBloggers?,

LabiBlog website builder was made to make your blog life a bliss :) So you can concentrate on what really matters in blog posts - the content and its marketing.

Once you are on the Personalize Page of your HelpDesk, you will have a bunch of options for customization. So what you can customize and how?


It's the base of the blog design and styles. Here you can set colors for your blog, main and secondary, colors for the buttons, and the button style. These basic settings will be applied throughout the blog theme to match your company design.


Here you can set a favicon and logo for your blog and add extra settings, such as the title phrase (words) that will be displayed next to the logo.

*Please note that header color will be already applied based on the theme settings. Don’t change it here unless you want some very specific color for the header, different from your main theme colors.


This is your subscribe form settings. You can customize it to catch the attention of the readers. That's where you readers will be prompted to leave their email address to subscribe to your newsletter mailing list.


This is where you can set title and description for a text above the search field. Where you can hide the search field or add other settings.


These categories are different from the ones you create and customize. Categories here serve as additional filters for blog posts and split to 3 types:

Featured - all blog posts that you set as featured.

Popular - all blog posts that get the most views and reads.

Latest - all blog posts that are added recently.

And here you can specify how they will be named. However logic by which they added to the filter will stay the same.


Here you can add extra links, like links to your other important (worth mentioning) pages or social media accounts.

SEO Card, Open Graph Card and Twitter Card

Meta tags and seo settings in general are important so search engines would be able to read and display your company blog appropriately.

Title tags and meta descriptions are bits of HTML code in the header of a web page. They help search engines understand the content on a page. A page's title tag and meta description are usually shown whenever that page appears in search engine results

SEO card is for search engines.

Open Graph card for social media (Facebook, Linkedin etc), and Twitter card is for Twitter (Twitter requires its own meta tags).

When you ready save the changes and you are good to go.


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